Microsoft Windows Security on Wi-Fi

Recent news by Forbes reveals a risk of a “wi-fi takeover attack,” which says that if you have a Windows computer (any version) and are using public Wi-Fi, your system can be hacked and infected with malware without any passwords or logins. According to the article, “Microsoft has confirmed that with no special access conditions or extenuating … Read more

Accessibility: It isn’t a Passing Phase

A web designer group where I am a member had this post… “I have a potential client who just got sued for their site not being accessible.” Via a Private Internet Group What does it mean to be accessible, and is my website at risk? Whether your website serves the United States or an international … Read more

The Many Pieces of a Website

“A business’s online presence, regardless of industry, can have a massive impact on its success. In this day and age, some businesses still don’t realize that a majority of their customers will visit their website before making a purchase.” (Forbes Magazine, February 3, 2020) So, diving into the world of website development is kind of … Read more

How and Why We Maintain Websites

Technology has changed dramatically over the years. When I started designing websites, it was easy to put up a few HTML pages and leave them alone for years without updates or changes. As time passed, security issues from hackers and malware became an issue through poor passwords or coding that could easily be hacked or … Read more

Gain Knowledge to Avoiding Scams

Seeing how many scams attempt to “tempt” you to react, pay, or worse, steal your hard-earned dollars is frustrating. Even my 90-year-old mother struggles with “social engineering.” As a society, we attempt to trust people first, but when it comes to the Internet or strangers, we need to be wise and know how to combat … Read more

Affordable Business Email

With McAllister Park, shared hosting is the most affordable option available. It also comes with email standard with your hosting package. As times change and security increases to remove SPAM from your mailbox, more and more businesses are moving to separate email systems. This can be expensive and technologically challenging to work through all the … Read more

What is “Maintenance” About?

In the old days, when working with straight HTML (the code behind a web page), we didn’t have many of the security issues that are now prevalent and rampant in our world. We could have wimpy passwords and typical usernames. Individuals occasionally got scammed but the majority, well, it wasn’t like there was much they … Read more

Marketing Your Website

As a designer, I often get this situation. “I had you build this website, but it doesn’t get much traffic! No one knows it’s there. Did you submit it to the search engines? What about SEO?” McAllister Park Design does optimize for search engines (SEO): Implementing on-page techniques to improve the website’s visibility on search … Read more