Enhanced Web Hosting

When you host with McAllister Park Design, we don’t expect you to understand every part of hosting for your website. That is our job. Let us demystify your hosting by providing our expertise and experience. We handle each order personally making sure you get the best service for your web hosting needs.

We are your technical translator or liaison, between you and all the techno-jargon of host servers.
If something goes wrong, you contact us, not a customer service agent in a call center overseas.

Our hosting plans come with 99.99% uptime, no contract, and all the features you will need for a steady, reliable website. FREE SSL Certificates For Life. What other companies want you to pay for every year, you now can have for free.

For ease of ordering, we provide these hosting plan options below but we will be happy to create a hosting package to fit your needs. We also have shared or cloud hosting with maintenance packages if you don’t want to handle the monthly system backups, WP updates on the system, theme and plugins, and security issues that might arise.

If you prepay for the year, you get one month free. (Non-profit? Need a larger site or want cloud hosting services, contact us for a price quote!)

Hosting Plan #1
2 GB Storage
2 Email Accts
4GB Memory
Free SSL Cert.

$15 monthly
or $165 Yearly

Hosting Plan #2
3 GB Storage
4 Email Accts
4GB Memory
Free SSL Cert.

$22 monthly
or $242 Yearly

Hosting Plan #3
4 GB Storage
6 Email Accts
4GB Memory
Free SSL Cert.

$30 monthly
or $275 Yearly

Hosting Plan #4
5 GB Storage
8 Email Accts
4 GB Memory
Free SSL Cert.

$42 monthly
or $330 Yearly

Order Hosting Plan #1

Order Hosting Plan #2

Order Hosting Plan #3

Order Hosting Plan #4